Victoria 250-896-0546   


Sunset Painting - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the industry hourly rate for painters?

A: The average hourly rate sought by paint companies is$30.00 an hour.  Across the industry, a painter’s skill level can be valued between $12.00 and $36.00 and hour.

Q: What will Sunset Painting charge to paint my house or building?

A: I price to paint a room at between $1.25 and $3.75 per square foot depending on amount of work required to achieve the best finish.

Q: How do I choose the best painter?

A:  Look for experience when choosing a painter, an efficient experienced painter can do three times the work as others. The best painters are often the owners or operators of painting companies, and because they have lower overhead they often offer better rates. Sunset Painting offers experienced painters at better rates than the larger companies.

Q: Do I get a better price if I have my house painted during off-peak months?

A: Occasionally, it is possible to negotiate a better price for painting at a time when it is most convenient to the painter, or in a slower season like between late fall and early spring.

Q: What are the considerations that will go into my estimate?

A: Factors that are considered while preparing your quote is as follows:

·        Cost of materials

·        Square footage

·        Amount of prep-work provided

·        The ease to paint the surfaces

·        Amount of repair required

·        Clean-up time

·        Type of materials used

·        Special circumstance

·        Color schemes

Want more information on how we prepare our quotes? Click Here

William (Bill) Yarmoshuk

Victoria , BC

Phone: 250 896-0546



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